Level 5 Apprenticeship - Learning and Development Consultant / Business Partner

Who is the programme aimed at?

The Level 5 Learning & Development (L&D) Consultant/Business Partner Apprenticeship is typically for those in a generalist or specialist L&D role whose focus is on driving the contribution that L&D makes to improving performance at individual, team, and organisational level, aligning learning and development with strategic goals and objectives. Often leading on L&D projects, or the L&D element of other business projects, they are an influencer and decision maker, their work aligns to the context of the business and its strategic priorities, measuring the outcomes and impact of learning interventions.

How will the programme be delivered?

Each apprentice has an individual learning plan focused on the apprenticeship standard, with a blended approach to learning aimed at developing and applying the knowledge, skills, behaviours, and occupational profile of the learning & development consultant-business partner. Learning activities include online tasks and workshops, experiential learning in the workplace, completing assignments and other assessments, along with maths and English functional skills.

Our Learning and Development/Business Partner Apprentices study the CIPD Associate Diploma in Organisational Learning and Development and will also work towards achieving level 2 maths and English functional skills if these have not already been achieved.

Apprentices are allocated a skills coach to support their learning and progress and pastoral requirements, liaising also with the apprentice’s line manager, ensuring ongoing input into the apprentice’s development.

Each programme is individual, but the main features are:


Completing a learning needs analysis so that we can identify the apprentice’s starting point and development needs. We also engage at this early stage with line managers to understand the organisation’s needs as well as the apprentice’s. Each apprentice also completes a maths and English diagnostic and is introduced to our safeguarding and Prevent policies through initial online activities.

Introduction to the apprenticeship

  • Induction to the apprenticeship for the apprentice and their line manager.
  • The apprentice is enrolled and registered to complete the CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in Organisational Learning and Development.

On programme

  • A blended learning method of delivery for knowledge and skills elements of the programme with a mix of live interactive group workshops, online learning activities, and workplace learning. 
  • In between workshops, apprentices complete independent study activities, assignments and on demand online tasks, along with other off the job learning in the workplace.
  • Apprentices keep a learning journal throughout the programme, reflecting on their continuous professional development against the apprenticeship standard.
  • The skills coach meets every 2 months with the apprentice, providing support and monitoring progress.
  • The apprentice’s line manager is also supported through skills coach meetings.
  • Assessment activities such as assignments and classroom activities also monitor progress and ongoing development needs and help indicate readiness for ‘gateway’ and end-point assessment.
  • Functional skills maths and English online activities and tutorial support is planned into the programme.

End-Point Assessment

End-point assessment (EPA) takes place after the period of learning ends. We support the employer to select the EPA organisation (EPAO) they wish to use. EPA is a final ‘summative’ assessment using specific tasks that the apprentice must complete, and which are then assessed and graded by the independent assessor, against the apprenticeship standard.

Funding for EPA is usually through the levy and the EPAO will not have been involved in delivering the learning programme to the apprentice.

The EPA tasks for the Level 5 Learning and Development Consultant-Business Partner apprenticeship are a learning journal – this is not specifically marked, but feeds into a presentation completed by the apprentice, based on the journal – a work-based project with a professional discussion.

cHRysos HR supports apprentices and employers to prepare for EPA so that they are ready to complete the tasks with confidence.

20% Off-The-Job Learning

Employers must allocate 20% of each apprentice’s contracted working time to complete off the job training relevant to their apprenticeship – this is a requirement of the funding provision. Examples of off the job learning include relevant activities in the workplace, working on assignments, online activities, attending conferences or external short courses

How long will the apprenticeship programme last?

The length of the programme is usually around 24 months, although the specific timeframe depends on how much relevant prior experience, learning, or qualifications the apprentice has on starting the programme.

Funding for the apprenticeship

The maximum funding for this apprenticeship is £7,000, including the fee charged by the EPAO. We can confirm the fee once the apprentice has completed the learning needs analysis and their prior experience, learning and qualifications are identified.

Apprentices are required to join the CIPD as a Student member, to complete the Associate Diploma in Organisational Learning & Development. The fee for this is not included in the funding for the programme and separate arrangements must therefore be made for this to be paid. Learners who successfully complete the programme are then upgraded to Associate level membership of CIPD.

cHRysos HR hosts an annual Celebration of Achievement for our apprentices and other learners who have successfully completed their programme of study. This graduation-style event is an opportunity for our apprentices to celebrate their achievement with family or friends.

What about progressing further?

Progression from this apprenticeship is onto the Level 7 Senior People Professional apprenticeship - with optional elements for those taking an L&D, organisational development, or HR career pathway - or the non-apprenticeship CIPD accredited Advanced Diploma in Strategic Learning & Development.

Contact us for further information about our Level 5 Learning & Development Consultant-Business Partner Apprenticeship.