Level 3 Apprenticeship - HR Support

Who is the programme aimed at?

The Level 3 HR apprenticeship is normally appropriate for those whose role involves front line HR support provided to managers and employees. They might deal with daily operational matters, handling queries, providing advice on employment law or company policy and be involved with a range of HR processes such as recruitment, performance management and disciplinary matters. Their role is likely to include keeping records and providing data to enable decisions to be made. They may be part of a team, or a stand-alone role in a small organisation

How will the programme be delivered?

Our Level 3 HR apprentices study the CIPD Foundation Certificate in People Practice.

CIPD Foundation Certificate in People Practice

Undertaking an apprenticeship is different in many ways however, to the traditional approach to completing a professional qualification - there are extra elements such as studying maths and English if the apprentice hasn’t previously achieved Grade 2 or above in these subjects. There are also work-based activities to complete and review meetings with a skills-assessor and the apprentice’s line manager.

What the programme looks like and how it is delivered really depends upon individual need, but the information below gives you an idea of what is involved:


  • A detailed learning needs analysis is carried out with the apprentice, along with other diagnostics such as maths and English and a professional discussion. We also meet with the employer to find out their objectives for the apprentice and what they need them to achieve. This helps to make sure that both the apprentice and the organisation are taking on the right apprenticeship at the right level and means we can understand the individual’s starting point for the programme. We can then build a learning plan for the apprentice to meet all these needs.

Introduction to the apprenticeship

  • Both the apprentice and the line manager are given an induction into the programme.
  • The apprentice is enrolled and registered onto the CIPD Foundation Certificate in People Practice ready to begin their studies.

On programme

  • A blended learning method of delivery for knowledge and skills elements of the programme with a mix of live interactive group workshops, online learning activities, and workplace learning. 
  • Each module includes independent study which the apprentice will complete in between workshops; this will include assignments and projects, workplace off the job and online activities.
  • A 2-monthly review meeting takes place with the skills coach and apprentice.
  • Assessment activities take place throughout the programme to check that knowledge, skills and behaviours are being developed and any gaps to be addressed, monitoring the apprentice’s progress in meeting the requirements of the apprenticeship standard, and identifying readiness for ‘gateway’ and end-point assessment.
  • Maths and English activities/tutor support are provided.
  • Line manager reviews are also arranged.

End-Point Assessment

End-point assessment is the final activity that takes place after the apprentice has finished their programme of learning. EPA determines if the apprentice has met all the requirements of the apprenticeship standard and is undertaken by an independent end-point assessment organisation. The fees for this are paid by the apprenticeship levy, although there may be an additional payment to be made by the employer if the apprentice needs to re-sit or re-take any element of end-point assessment.

For the Level 3 HR Support apprenticeship, the end-point assessment consists of a consultative project and a professional discussion. Our role in this will be:

  • Helping you decide which EPA organisation you want to use.
  • Agreeing the scope of the project with yourselves and the EPA and providing support with its completion.
  • Supporting your apprentice in preparing for the professional discussion.

20% Off-The-Job Learning

A key requirement of an apprenticeship programme is that employers must allow apprentices to spend 20% of their contracted hours on off the job learning throughout their apprenticeship. We will help you decide how this time is spent - likely to be a mixture of time studying with us, undertaking workplace learning and attending other learning activities within or outside the organisation.

How long will the apprenticeship programme last?

About 12-18 months, depending on individual need and any prior learning, experience, and qualifications the apprentice has before starting the programme.

Funding for the apprenticeship

Funding is normally provided through the apprenticeship levy.

Once we understand the apprentice’s needs and any accredited prior learning, we can provide an exact price. The maximum fee will normally be £4500, including the amount charged by the End Point Assessment Organisation.

Apprentices undertaking the CIPD qualification also need to take up student membership of the CIPD and are awarded Foundation level membership when their programme is completed. Membership cannot be funded using the levy and is paid separately to the CIPD.

We invite all our apprentices who successfully complete, to join us in celebrating their great achievement at our Celebration of Achievement held in graduation-style every year.

What about progressing further?

After successfully completing the Level 3 Apprenticeship in HR Support, individuals may be able to progress onto the Level 5 Apprenticeship – People Professional which includes working towards the CIPD Associate Diploma in People Management.

Contact us for further information about our Level 3 Apprenticeship in HR Support

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