Employment law

Employment Law Update May 2015

Employment Law Update May 2015

Now that the dust has settled on the General Election, there is lots to consider in terms of the impact of the result on employment law. In this article we look at the new Government’s plans for the workplace.

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Employment Law Update March 2015

Described as the most radical changes to pensions in almost a century, as part of the budget, the Chancellor confirmed that pension rules would be changed to provide more flexibility surrounding access to money purchase pension savings. Find out all the details here.

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Employment Law Update November 2014

Employment Law Update November 2014

In this month’s employment law round up we focus on the statutory right for fathers to take time off work to attend ante-natal appointments, a guide to help employers implement policies on the new entitlements to shared parental leave and shared parental pay and the implications of the Employment Appeal Tribunal’s ruling about overtime holiday pay.

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Employment Law Update September 2014

Employment Law Update September 2014

In this month’s Employment Law round up we focus on the Government crackdown on zero hours contracts, changes to flexible working, an increase in the National Minimum Wage, new ACAS guidance on dress codes and a new Health and Work service being introduced to support employee and employers to manage sickness absence.

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