cHRysos HR Solutions News

Wellbeing at Work | World Wellbeing Week 2023

Wellbeing at Work | World Wellbeing Week 2023

June 26th – June 30th is World Wellbeing Week! This is a great time to raise awareness of the importance of wellbeing, particularly in the workplace. Wellbeing has many aspects, such as physical and emotional health, as well as financial security and care for the environment. 

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Celebrating our Students: cHRysos HR Graduation 2023!

Celebrating our Students: cHRysos HR Graduation 2023!

On Friday, March 17th, cHRysos learners, teachers, and guests gathered together to celebrate at our annual graduation event!

We were lucky enough to have good weather and were privileged to host the event at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park in Doncaster, which is a fantastic venue.


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