cHRysos HR Solutions News

An Alternative to Performance Appraisal

An Alternative to Performance Appraisal

Back in the 1950s academics including Likert (1959) were reporting that “Performance Review interviews as a rule are seriously deflating to employee’s sense of importance and self-worth.” Many years later and still many employees question the value of the appraisal discussion. In 2010, for example, Duncan Brown chaired the annual CIPD Performance Management conference and likewise he found that delegates questioned the “practice and quality of performance management in their organisations.”

I have worked in organisations myself where I have been tasked with ‘reviewing the performance appraisal system’ which I have done with great diligence, only to find a year later that people are still not motivated by it and view it as the ‘annual ritual.’

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Reflections on performance management

The end of the year is almost here, and in some companies this is the time when they review the performance of their employees and think about what they want them to focus on next year to make sure that business objectives can be met.

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